With the theme and season of Autumn/Fall, a fruit that generally comes to mind is apples! So this is a great resource to teach your children the full life cycle of how an apple comes to be!
This resource contains 2 colored apple life cycle posters (with and without stage labels), a colored classroom big book, 2 cut and paste life-cycle booklets for students to complete( black and white) and 4 different corresponding cut and paste worksheets.

Simply print all of the resources to prepare for the activities. The posters can be hung up for display on the wall for all to see which will also be a great visual aid for the children while completing the worksheets. The Classroom Big Book can be printed then stapled along the side or bound with a binding comb and can be read to the children before attempting the worksheets.

The student cut and paste booklets should be arranged in order and stapled on the left side as indicated on the page then you are all set! Provide each child with a booklet and a word box strip from the attached word box page. Children can color in their booklet and then have a go at reading the sentences on the page. If they do not know which words to use to complete the sentences using their word box strip, they can refer to the big classroom booklet or poster for more indications.

For the Missing Word worksheet, children are able to color, cut and paste as well as read or analyze the picture to figure out what is missing. They must cut and paste the words into the correct empty space to complete the sentences.

Order The Cycle worksheet is a fun activity for children to cut and paste the life cycle pictures and explanations in the proper order. Children can attempt to read the explanations themselves or examine the image and guess which the correct order is in the life cycle of an apple. They can refer back to the big class book again or refer to the posters if they wish to check their answer is correct.

Order The Picture Cycle is a great activity for getting kiddos using their hands and practicing their fine motor skills with coloring, cutting and pasting. This is a great visual activity of the life cycle using only pictures to show it.

Label the stages worksheet asks children to cut and paste the missing words into the correct spots to label the picture representing each stage of the life cycle.

What is great about these life cycle resources is that they teach of the sequence of life stages of an apple and use identification through picture images, a written descriptive explanatory text to go with each stage and numerals (1-5) to represent the order.
I am sure your children will really enjoy learning about the life cycle of apples using these resources and will enjoy these hands on and picture based worksheets in your class or home.
Happy teaching 🙂
If you would like to purchase this packet, click here or on the image below.