Christmas Sight Word Fluency Flip Books are available in both color and black and white. To download some free pages from this packet, click here.

Included in the packet are 9 Christmas themed flip books. Each booklet focuses on a different sight word and Christmas Theme.
- Santa: “Santa HAS a…”
- Family together: “We like TO…”
- Christmas Items: “I see ONE…”
- Stocking Fillers: “A … is in MY stocking”
- Elf actions: “The elf CAN…”
- Food from around the world: “Do you EAT…?”
- Present colors: “The present IS…”
- Christmas tree decorations: “THE tree has…”
- Giving: “I can GIVE a…”

I have included a recording sheet for each booklet. Children trace the sight word on each page, then write four sentences from their flip books.

These booklets are such a great way to keep learning fun through the festive season!
If you would like to purchase the complete packet, click here or on the image below.