We started Day 3 of Creation by talking about what God had made on Day 1 and Day 2. I brought out the sensory bottles as we talked about each day, and then I introduced our Day 3 sensory bottle.

To make this bottle, I followed the directions from “My Little 3 and Me” blog post. I decided not to add real flowers as I am hoping this bottle will last for a couple of years (fingers crossed, folks!!) and put in some felt ones and small circle sequins. If it gets icky come next year, I will just make a new bottle with real flowers; the bottle with real flowers does look much prettier!
My little dears were mesmerized. They each wanted to have a turn shaking the bottle and enjoyed watching the contents settle.
We talked about how God rolled back the seas and dry ground appeared. I told them how thankful I am that God made dry ground because, well, folks, I’m not much of a swimmer. And if I had to swim instead of walk, that would make things a little difficult for me! And now, because God had made dry land appear I don’t have to swim everywhere, but can walk!
We talked about how God also made the hills, mountains, valleys and flat land. And, to pretty things up, God decorated them with beautiful flowers and trees and other types of wonderful plants. (Click here to get the Creation Bible story in English and here to get it in Romanian.)
We then moved on to talk about the different plants that God had created. I explained that, even though there are so many different types of plants, they all need the same things to grow. And, because God is so wonderfully wise, He knew the things that plants would need to grow and He made sure He had made them in the first and second days of creation!
We did a sorting activity. We sorted pictures to show what plants needed to grow and things that they did not need. My kiddos had a good giggle at the pizza image 😉 (Click here to download the sorting activity in ENGLISH and here in ROMANIAN. )
Once we finished the activity, the kiddos each had a chance to decorate a flower. They were provided with crayons, tissue paper squares, small felt paper, seqins and acrylic gems. (Click here to download template.)

To keep the early finishers engaged, I made a flower counting game. I hot-glued 10 felt flowers to icy-pole sticks and printed out flower number 1-10, laminated them, cut them out and then hot-glued them to larger icy-pole sticks. I placed a flower number in the pot and children took turns counting the felt flowers to match the number in the pot. Lots of great fun 🙂 (Click here to download the flower numbers.)
And then I gave each child a take home booklet. (Click here to download the Take Home booklet in English and here to download in Romanian.)

And that’s it for Day 3 of Creation!
Thank you so much for these pages and Sunday School lessons. They are really great and I love sending the pages home with the kids so the parents can follow up on their lesson.
Looking forward to Day 4,5, 6 and 7
Hi Deb. Thank you for stopping by. Day 4 will be posted on Monday 🙂
These are wonderful resources! Thank you for sharing!
Great site thank you for all your ideas.
Thank you so much! Excellent ideas and resources!
Thank you for sharing. Keep it up!
God Bless!
I love this lessons. thankyou for providing it. Keep the good works. May God bless you.