I finally managed to finish the 11th set and I’m here to show you what’s included!
CVC Word Search
Materials needed: transparent counters or erasable markers
Children will say the name of a picture, listen to the letters sounds, then find it and cover it on the grid.

CVCe Word Search
Materials needed: transparent counters or erasable markers
Children will say the name of a picture, listen to the letters sounds, then find it and cover it on the grid.

Digraphs Cover Up
Materials needed: colored buttons or counters
Children will use the color code on the card to cover the digraphs.

Digraphs Read and match
Children will read the sentence on their card and find the matching picture.

Missing CVC Word
Materials needed: erasable marker, small pegs (optional)
Children will read the sentence on the card and determine which of the three words completes the sentence. They can then clip a peg on the correct word and write it on the line.

Missing CVCe Word
Materials needed: erasable marker, small pegs (optional)
Children will read the sentence on the card and determine which of the three words completes the sentence. They can then clip a peg on the correct word and write it on the line.

Is the noun singular or plural? (with picture support)
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will read the word on the card and determine whether it is a singular or plural noun. They will then clip a peg on either the tick or cross to show their answer.

Compound Words
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will say the word on the card and determine which two boxed pictures have been used to make the compound word. They will then clip a peg on each picture to show their answer.

Comparing Numbers 1-20
Materials needed: linking chains, erasable markers
Children attach linking chains to the end of the card to show the two numbers. They will then compare the numbers and write the correct sign in the box: greater than, less than, equal to.

What number is missing? 11-100
Children will identify the missing number needed to complete the number sequence and place it in the empty square.

Count and Graph
Materials needed: erasable markers, small counters (optional)
Children will count the different items on the card and represent their findings on the graph. They will then write the total amount for each object.

Number Bonds with Addition and Subtraction
Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will use the number bond to complete the addition and subtraction sentences on the card.

Is the ordinal position correct?
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will determine whether the arrow is pointing to ordinal position identified on the card. They will then clip a peg on either the tick or cross to show their answer.

Count and write how many shapes
Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will count the different shapes and write the total amount in the space provided.

Match the time puzzles
Children will determine the time on the analogue clock. They will the find the puzzle piece with the matching digital time and place it on top.

Are they opposites?
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will determine whether the two pictures on the card are opposites. They will then clip a peg on either the tick or cross to show their answer.

If you would like to purchase this packet, click here or on the image below.
Happy Teaching 🙂