My four munchkins and I enjoyed a 2-week break as Australian schools had their Winter holidays before starting Term 3. My greatest joy was not having to do the usual school run in the morning and afternoon. I know. It’s lame. But you don’t understand… you see, we moved house recently and now, I’m on the road for almost 2 hours JUST to get the kids to school and come back home. That’s why NOT having to do that was the best part of the holidays for me 🙂 Of course, we also had a couple of days out, celebrated a birthday and even managed to make time to go to the snow. But let’s focus on why we are here today! Preschool Letter of the Week K!
Before I begin, I would like to remind you that my little munchkin belongs to that group of kiddos that like to learn; meaning, when his older brothers and sister are doing their homework, he hangs around to watch all the “action” and often peeks over their shoulders as they write away. And so, as I held up the Letter K play dough mat to introduce the letter and letter sound, he said, “That’s a kicking k and it says “k”. It’s almost like “c”, but it doesn’t look the same.” Yep. There you have it; he summed up my 5 minute intro with those 2 sentences. And so we moved on and started work with the Playdough mat. He started by finger tracing the letters, and then used a white board marker, as we had done previously.

My aim for letter K was to teach him that “K” made the same sound as “C”, but it just looked different, so I really wanted to focus on letter identification this week instead of letter sounds.
I got out our Letter K Vocabulary Cards and I asked Filip to circle all the “kicking k’s.” (Click the photos to download the letter K cards).
Next, we used out Letter K Letter Find worksheet to work on upper and lower case identification; Filip had a bit of trouble telling the difference and told me he was just going to dot all of them purple. (Click the picture to get letter K.)
We also worked on letter formation using the Letter K practice page from The Measured Mom.

We moved on to our focus number for the week and started by finger tracing the number 3 on the play dough mat,then Filip used a white board marker.

We finished Day 1 with a cut and paste preschool numbers worksheet. Filip has become more confident sounding out words and often tries to “read” everything he thinks look interesting. Here, he tried to sound out “t-h-r-e-e” and it just didn’t sound right. We underlined some “special sounds” using different colors and then it sounded just right!
We started Day 2 with the Letter K play dough mats again. This time Filip used play dough, pinching off a little at a time and creating this stunning look:

And because we had to cut our school time really short that day, we managed to only squeeze in the Number 3 play dough mat.

And this Letter K page created by Mariela Santillana.

We came back the following day and worked on our Letter K puzzle.
Then we worked on strengthening finger muscles with this printable from 1plus1plus1plus1equals1.

We also read some CVC words using our Beginning K Word Slider Cards. (Click the photo to get letter K).

Then we did some CVC Beginning K puzzles. (Click the photo to get the K puzzles.)
And also some Beginning K word builders! (Click the photo to get the K cards.)
We then moved on to our focus number and Filip dotted his way through the number 3 maze. (Click the photo to get the number 3 page.)
Then he did a number 3 concept worksheet. (Click the photo to get the number 3 page.)
And we finished off the day with our Number 3 flip book. I drew some red dots under each word to help with 1-1 correspondence as he “read” his booklet.

We came back for a 4th day this week and Filip did a Beginning K CVC cut and paste worksheet. (Click the photo to get the K page.)
And finished off with our craft of the Week. (Click the photos to get the K templates.)
K for King and k for kangaroo.

And there you have it! Preschool Letter K all completed!
If you’d like all the freebies presented here in one file, click on the image below to obtain a pdf document. Please note: this freebie pack DOES NOT include freebies linked to my online store/s.

GREAT activities! It’s summer vacation here, and I need to remember to still work a little on these letters (especially numbers) to keep my daughter fresh! Thank you again for posting my letter packet – so cool 🙂
You’re welcome! My little man enjoys them and I really should be the one thanking you 🙂
Hey Karin! It’s so nice to hear from you!!! How are things with Ollie? Feels like years since we last “chatted”; will definitely have to catch up soon 🙂 My little man really does surprise me at times by remembering random bits of info he hears from the other kids and I! And yep – he’s definitely looking forward to kinder next year 😉
Absolutely awesome, I lovd the different ways you have of keeping everything interesting for him and he knows (roughly) what to expect every time! I wish I had your patience and a kid who wants to learn as much as Filip does. I bet he’s getting ready and excited to be starting school next year, he is definitely readyfor it! Keep up the great work and thank you for blogging about what you do! Love the freebies as well, thank you for the great resources 🙂
Love Filip’s intro to the letter K. What a smart kid! I wish my youngest one has the same patience as. Filip. Sometimes it’s a challenge to sit him down and let him focus – but then again, I am reminded that he’s only 3! We will be doing the letter K next month when we return from summer vacation. Thank you for the wonderful freebies!
I hope you’ll be able to use some of our freebies when you get to Letter K! 🙂
Thanks so much for the freebies and awesome activities! Very generous! We’re in Australia too and have just returned to the school run (and mine is not 2 hours a day!), so I totally hear what you are saying about holiday joy. All the best for term 3! Jean 🙂
Thanks for stopping by to say “thanks 🙂
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