Please note: The printables in this post are available in English or Romanian and can be downloaded at the end of this post.
We started our lesson about Day 4 of Creation by talking about what God had made on the previous days. Then, to find out what God had made on Day 4, we read from our Creation book. (Click here to get the Creation Bible story in English and here to get it in Romanian.)
We discovered that God created the sun, moon and stars.
I pointed out that there was only one moon and one sun, but some many stars. I asked if anyone wanted to try to count them. “There are too many!” my kiddos replied. We then talked briefly about how awesome our God is that He can every single star in the universe and knows exactly how many there are! The little dears with some number knowledge were very impressed by how “smart” God is 😉
I then brought out the Sun, Moon and Stars exploration jars.
To make the sun exploration jar, I painted a large Styrofoam ball with oil-based yellow paint. I filled the jar with one tube of blue glitter glue, a couple of drops of blue food dye and water.
To make the moon and stars exploration jar, I painted a smaller Styrofoam ball with grey oil-based paint and added some glow-in-the dark stars. I filled the jar with one tube of silver glitter glue, a few drops food dye and water.
Of course, glue on the lid. Unless you don’t mind cleaning up the mess that will inevitably be made 😉

We talked about how God made the sun to shine during the day and the moon to glow at night.
We then focused our attention on the sun and talked about Sun Safety. My kiddos area clever bunch and helped me sort the things we need to be safe when we are out in the sun from the things that we don’t need… though we all agreed that it would be nice to eat a slice of cake while out in the sun!

We then did our craft for the week… a paper plate sun craft…
… and the moon and a star on the other side of the paper plate… (The moon and star template is available at the end of this post.)
And then, each kiddo took one of these booklets home.

And that’s it for Day 4 of Creation!
To download the FREE ENGLISH Sunday School printables from this post, please click here!
To download the FREE ROMANIAN Sunday School printables from this post, please click here!
Lavinia, thanks for the beautiful tutorial and material for preparing Sunday School. I am teaching 4-year-olds to Grade 1, it is wonderful that I can use your idea to present the creation of our Mighty God, and the salvation He intends for us.
Edna, thanks for stopping by! I’m delighted to know this post has been useful 🙂
What lovely ideas!
I particularly like how you connect it all with the children’s experience.
Hello again Lavinia,
I am looking ahead for what I will need when I teach Day 4:Sun, Moon and Stars. What kind of jars did you use? I like the size. Again, just perfect for little hands.
They are plastic cookie jars. I needed something with a wide opening in order to get the larger Styrofoam ball inside 🙂
Thanks for the beautiful tutorial “Creation days of our MIGHTY GOD”.
I am teaching a summer camp next week and will be using your WONDERFUL ideas and pages for your creation booklet. Would you happen to have the rest of your pages done? If so, would you be able to email them to me? Thanks so much. SO CUTE!!
I’ve taken a break from blogging, but I will be back mid August… mid Sept more likely!
Will you have days 5, 6 & 7 of Creation posted soon?
Hi Joy,
I took a break from blogging for a few months and I will be back with the rest of the Creation series starting September 15th 🙂
I was wondering if you had the rest of the creation as well.
Hi Tiffany,
I took a break from blogging for a few months and I will be back with the rest of the Creation series starting September 15th 🙂
I found your day 1 to 4. Did you do a lesson for 5,6,and 7?
Hi Jody,
I took a break from blogging for a few months and I will be back with the rest of the Creation series starting September 15th 🙂
You truly have a wonderful gift! I love your lesson plans and printables for creation. I am using them not only in our preschool (2-5 year olds) Sunday school class but also in the 4 year old preschool class I teach. Thank you so much for sharing your talent!
Hi Lavinia,
Thank you so much for your ideas and time , especially the Creation series. I teach Sunday school and this is really helpful and inspiring. Cant wait to see the rest of the Creation series. Thank you and God Bless.
Thank you so much for stopping by, Shanti! I will have more of the Creation series ready very soon 🙂
Gracias estan hermosos, muy utiles para la serie que estoy dando a mis bebes en mi Iglesia
Thank you for sharing this! We are beginning our Creation unit next week in my preschool class. This is perfect for me to use! Thank you again!
thank youu so much
wonderful ideas
These are so great! Thanks so much for your kindness!
Hi Ms.Lavinia. Thank you for your generosity, I am a Sunday school teacher. Your work helps me much in teaching.You truly have a wonderful gift! May God bless you more and more