Hello everyone! I just finished a new center activity packet for Kindergarten kiddos and, as with all my new packets, it will be 50% off for a limited time.

1. Fire write & wipe numbers (1-20)
Materials needed: erasable marker, white board eraser
Children will practice correct number formation with a dry-erase marker. *These cards can be kept in a book-like format by punching a hole in the top left corner and securing the cards together with a key ring or a pipe-cleaner.

2. Fire safety count and clip cards (1-10)Materials needed: clothes pegs
Children will count the objects on the cards and to clip a peg on the correct number.

3. Fire Hydrant missing numbers (1-20)
Materials needed: erasable marker or number tiles
Children will determine the missing number in the sequence.

4. Which is More? fire truck numbers (1-10)
Children will identify which number of two is more.

5. Fire safety count, tally and graph write & wipe
Materials needed: erasable marker or counters
Children will count and represent their findings on the graph by coloring the appropriate number of squares with an erasable marker. They are also asked to represent their answers by drawing tally marks.

6. Fire safety ten frame puzzles (1-10)
Children will arrange the puzzle pieces in order to reveal the picture.

7. Fire safety Flip & Cover: Place Value
Materials needed: round counters
Children will randomly pick a place value card and cover the value (number) on the picture mat.

8. Fire Department Addition (to 5 and 10)
Children will work out the addition equation and place the correct fire truck in the garage.
Please note: The first set of cards cover addition facts to 5. The second set of cards (cards with an asterisk *) cover addition facts to 10.

9. Build a Fire Safety pattern (AB/ABB/AAB/ABC)
Children will build a pattern following the example from one of the cards. They will then decide which picture is needed to continue the pattern.

10. Fire safety What is Taller? cards
Materials needed: clothes pegs
Children will determine which object of two is taller.

11. Hot and Cold sorting
Children will sort the picture cards to the correct category mat.

Happy Teaching 🙂
If you would like to purchase this packet, click here or on the image below.