Is it an activity? Is it a game? I wasn’t sure what the correct title should be, so I just settled on “Activity”.

Basically, kiddos match the pictures to the correct beginning sound. This is a self-checking activity, so once the whole board is covered, they flip the pictures over to see whether they were correct.

If your kiddos are writing letters, I have included 2 worksheets that they can complete.

If your kiddos are more advanced in their writing, they might benefit from writing words too.

This is such a simple activity, but I am sure your kiddos will love it.
To download a few sample pages, please click here or the image below.

If you would like to purchase this resource, I am going to list it at $1.00 for the next week in my TpT store, so be sure to get it before next weekend! Please click here to go to my store or on the image below.

Til next time,
Stay safe and Happy Teaching 🙂
I would love this resource for my small groups!
Hi Kimberly,
You can download some free sample pages in post, or you can purchase the complete packet here: