Yes! I agree; it’s been far too long since I’ve made any Preschool Centers! I’ve just finished some fun circus printables for you all and I hope your kiddos think they’re as cute as I did. And that they enjoy using them as much as I enjoyed creating them!
Here’s a look at what’s included 🙂
Popcorn name building
Children will spell their names by placing the popped corn in correct order.
Please note: an editable version of this activity is also included.

Circus play dough mats (5 mats)
Materials needed: play dough in various colours
Children will roll out the play dough and use it to shape the outline of the picture.

Clown hair pre-writing practice
Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will trace the pre-writing lines and spirals.

Upper case letter tracing
Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will trace the upper case letters.

Lower case letter tracing
Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will trace the lower case letters.

Upper-lower case letter matching
Children will match the cards with the lower case letters to the upper case balloons.

Beginning sounds matching
Children will match the pictures to the correct letter ticket booth.

Circus syllables matching
Materials needed: clothes pegs/pins
Children will identify the number of syllables in each word and show their answer by clipping a peg on the corresponding number.

Elephant rhyming words matching
Children will match the elephant to the ball with which it rhymes.

Peanut CVC word building
Children will use the peanut letters to build the words on each peanut cup.

Popcorn sight word sorting
Children will sort the popped corn to the cup with the matching word.

Circus shadow matching
Children will match the pictures to their shadows.

Which picture is different? cards
Children will identify the picture that is different.

What Doesn’t Belong? cards
Children will identify the picture that doesn’t belong.

Circus sorting (people and animal performers)
Children will sort the different performers to the correct mat: people or animals.

Lion jumping through ring of fire 4-part sequencing cards
Children will order the cards correctly to show the process of a sleeping lion standing, jumping through the hoop and receiving praise.

Clown nose colour matching
Materials needed: coloured pom-poms
Children will match the coloured pop-poms to the clown with the matching nose.

Circus patterns (AB)
Children will identify the pattern on the cards and to place the correct picture in the empty box to complete the pattern.

Number tracing
Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will trace the numbers.

Juggling balls number sense (1-10)
Children will sort the different number representation balls to the correct juggling clown.

Circus juggling clown ball counting
Materials needed: play dough, beads or pom-poms
Children will select a number card and place it on the square. They will then use the selected material to count out the amount shown on the card.

Circus sorting by size (small, medium, large)
Children will sort the different circus performers to the correct stage.

Shape tracing
Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will trace the shapes.

If you’d like to purchase this resource, please click here or on the image below. For a limited time, this packet will be 50% off!
Happy Teaching 🙂