Flip books. Not flipbooks… not those ity-bity million-paged books that you flip quickly to reveal a short “animation.” Nup. Those aren’t the books I’m talking about; I’m talking about the ah-mazing paper-saving booklet that you literally make from one single piece of paper. Flip Books.
And today, I want to show you the cute Colors Flip Book packet that I created to help teach your little ones not only their colors and color words, but also how to read and write a simple sentence. For that reason, I have included a couple of recording sheets in this packet to help you focus on your goals!
Here are all the colors I have included – of course, there are two grey/gray pages to accommodate for American and Australian spelling.

What can you do with the colored booklets? Well, you can use them as a model to show children how their assembled flip book will look like. They can also be stored in the reading corner.
What’s this I think you’re thinking…? You’d like to see what the black and white copies look like? Sure thing!

And. Here is a pic to show you what the recording pages look like.

As you can see, the first worksheet focus mainly on coloring and some color-specific words while the second worksheet is perfect for your beginning writers.
One thing that kiddos – and sometimes adults – get confused about is how these booklets are assembled. Here is a pic collage to literally take all the guess work out of it!

And now, to the good stuff! FREEBIES! Click the images below to download each of the flip book and recording pages.

If you have tried out these pages and would like to purchase the COMPLETE PACKET, please click HERE or on the picture below!

Till next time, Happy Teaching 🙂
I love getting your stuff
The books are so cute.
I would like to have it!
These flip books would be wonderful to n my program