Hey all! I’ve finished the matching Fire Safety Literacy Centers packet to the Fire Safety Math Centers and wanted to show you the contents. As will all my newly listed resources, this packet will be 50% off for a limited time!

1. Fire write & wipe alphabet
Materials needed: erasable marker, white board eraser
Children will practice correct letter formation with a dry-erase marker.
*These cards can be kept in a book-like format by punching a hole in the top left corner and securing the cards together with a key ring or a pipe-cleaner.

2. Fire safety Flip & Cover: Letter Match
Materials needed: round counters
Children will randomly pick an upper case letter card and cover the matching lower case letter on the picture mat.

3. Fire hydrant missing letters
Materials needed: erasable marker or number tiles
Children will determine the missing letter in the alphabet sequence.

4. Fire and Water consonant and vowel sort
Children will sort the different letters to the correct fire to show whether they are consonants or vowels.

5. Fire safety clip the beginning sound
Materials needed: clothes pegs
Children will identify the beginning sound for each picture and to clip a peg on the correct letter.

6. Fire safety clip the syllables
Materials needed: clothes pegs
Children will identify the number of syllables in each word and clip a peg on the correct number.

7. Fire safety build a CVC Word
Materials needed: clothes pegs
Children select the correct letters needed to make the CVC word on the card and clip pegs to show their answers.

8. Fire dog (Dalmatian) spin and rhyme
Materials needed: spinner or pencil and paper clip to make a spinner
Children will spin the spinner and find a matching rhyming picture.

9. Fire and fire extinguisher sight word match
Children will find matching words on the fire and fire extinguisher cards.

10. Fire safety write the room
Materials needed: clip board
Place the cards randomly around the room or in a sensory bin. Children will select a card and write the word next to the matching picture on their recording page.

11. Fire Safety sentence match
Children will read the sentence and then find the matching picture.

Happy Teaching 🙂
If you would like to purchase this packet of centers, click here or the image below.