“I Am Special” is An All About Me booklet for Preschool and Kindergarten. It is a great Back to School idea that can be sent home as a keepsake for parents to treasure. It requires minimal writing, therefore even beginning writers will be able to complete most of this booklet on their own!
Here are some photos of the pages included and how you can use them. Of course, not all pages need to be used and feel free to use each page as you see fit for your students!

Pages from the “All About Me” Booklet for Preschool and Kindergarten
Several cover page options are included – pick one or use them all and allow your students to pick the one they’d like to use. On the next page, children write their name and how many letters are in their name. The following page asks children to identify their eye color, hair color and favorite color. The last page from the photo above requires children to measure their height. This can be done by using some yarn, cutting it and then placing it inside a small envelope.

The next pages require a bit more thinking, drawing and writing. Children will write down their birthday, how old they are and draw a picture of the best present they every got. On the next page, they will draw their family members and write their address. Next, they will write and draw their favorite T.V pogram and favorite toy. On the last page, they will draw a picture of what they would like to be when they grow up.

The last two pages of the booklet might get a little messy. Children are required to paint their hand and foot and then press it down onto the paper. I did this part of the activity on a separate piece of thicker paper, let it dry, then cut it out. Another option would be to have children simply trace the outline of their hand and foot.
Please note: The contents of this unit are an electronic update of Diane Senk’s “I’m Special” book from her blog: www.dbsenk.wordpress.com/category/themes/me-book. Please take the time to visit her blog for ideas to use with this book and other great kindergarten resources.
Download the All About Me “I Am Special” booklet here or by clicking on the image below.

Happy Teaching 🙂
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Happy Teaching 🙂
I love this booklet
Thank You!!!! These are so perfect! Exactly what we were looking for ! We home-school and my daughter is so excited to start her school days with a fun icebreaker!!!
I looks wonderful! I can’t wait to see the project ready to send it home! Thank you 🙂