Hi there! Today I’ll be showing you what’s included in the tenth set of my Kindergarten Morning Tubs / Bins. Included are 17 activities ideal for use with children in Kindergarten (Prep/Foundation).
Alphabetical order cards
Materials needed: erasable marker
Children will write the words on the card in alphabetical order.

CVCe crossword puzzle
Materials needed: erasable marker or small letter tiles/beads
Children will write/build the CVCe word for each picture.

Pick the ending punctuation
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will read the sentence on the card. They will then clip a peg on either the full stop, question mark or exclamation mark to show the correct ending punctuation.

Match the picture (digraphs: ch, sh, th, ph, wh)
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will read and then clip a peg to the picture that matches the word.

Missing beginning blends
Materials needed: letter tiles
Children will add the missing blends for each word.

Spell the word, write the word (CVC words)
Materials needed: transparent counters, erasable markers
Children will say the name of the picture. They will sound out the word slowly and determine which letters are needed to spell the word. They will cover the correct letters with transparent counters, then write the word on the writing line.

Spell the word, write the word (CVCe and double “ee” words)
Materials needed: transparent counters, erasable markers
Children will say the name of the picture. They will sound out the word slowly and determine which letters are needed to spell the word. They will cover the correct letters with transparent counters, then write the word on the writing line.

Nouns cover up (person, place, thing)
Materials needed: colored buttons or counters
Children will use the color code on the card to cover the nouns to show their type.

Match the picture to the correct senses
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will identify the senses used to experience each object or activity and then clip a peg to show their answer.

Ordinal numbers puzzles
Children will place the puzzles strips in order.

100 chart mystery picture puzzles
Children will place the puzzle pieces together to build a 100 chart and reveal the mystery picture.

Do they match? Base ten blocks
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will identify whether the base then blocks and written amounts match by clipping a peg on either the tick or cross to show their answer.

Cover using the code: addition
Materials needed: counting blocks or other small manipulatives
Children will solve each equation and cover the square with the colored block indicated at the top of the card.

Cover using the code: subtraction
Materials needed: counting blocks or other small manipulatives
Children will solve each equation and cover the square with the colored block indicated at the top of the card.

Is the statement correct: division (sharing between 2)
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will determine whether the division statement is correct and clip a peg on either the tick or cross to show their answer.

Show the time (hour and half past)
Materials needed: play dough
Children will make a long hand and short hand from play dough to build the time shown on the card.

Build the picture: pattern blocks
Materials needed: pattern blocks
Children will build the picture using pattern blocks. Two options for each card are included: one that shows the shape of each pattern block and another that shows only the outline of the overall shape, requiting children to work out which blocks are needed to create the picture.

To purchase this packet, click here or on the image below.
Happy Teaching 🙂