Set 12 is all about visual discrimination and problem solving. Here’s what’s included!

Find the matching picture
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will look at the color combination in the large square and identify which of the four options is identical. They will clip a peg to show their answer.

What completes the picture?
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will look at the grid and identify the correctly orientated shape that is missing. They will clip a peg to show their answer.

What completes the picture? (Set 2)
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will look at the pattern on the grid. They will identify the set of squares that is missing by clipping a peg to show their answer.

Connect the matching sets of bars
Materials needed: erasable marker
Children will match the set of bars at the top of the card to the set on the bottom. They will need to make sure the color and length of each bar is in order and then will draw a line to show their match.

Copy the pattern on the grid
Materials needed: counting cubes or colored erasable markers
Children will copy the pattern onto the grid.

Find the completed picture
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will identify which of the four options make the set of squares once the two shapes are combined. They will clip a peg to show their answer.

Arrange the pieces to fit on the board
Children will arrange the cut out pieces to fit on the board.

Find the matching shadow
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will identify which of the four shadows matches the picture. They will clip a peg to show their answer.

Which picture matches the first?
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will identify which of the three pictures matches the cropped image. They will clip a peg to show their answer.

Connect the pictures in order
Materials needed: erasable marker
Children will draw a line from one image to another following the directions on the side of the card.

Find the matching eye chart
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will identify which of the two options matches they eye chart. They will clip a peg to show their answer.

Find 2 pictures that are the same
Materials needed: erasable marker
Children will identify from a set of pictures which two are identical and circle them.

Find the group of objects
Materials needed: erasable marker or transparent counters
Children will find the sets of grouped objects identified at the bottom of card and cover them on the grid.

What isn’t in the picture?
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will identify which of the four cropped images are not identical to the main picture. They will clip a peg to show their answer.

What is the correct reflection?
Materials needed: household pegs, small mirror (optional)
Children will identify which of the three reflections matched the main picture. They will clip a peg to show their answer.

Which set was used to make the picture?
Materials needed: household pegs
Children will identify which of the four sets was used to make the picture. They will clip a peg to show their answer.

To purchase this set, click here or on the image below.
Happy Teaching 🙂