I have finally finished the seventh Kindergarten Morning Bins/Tubs packet and wanted to show you what’s included!
Beginning sounds cover
Materials needed: colored buttons
Children will say the name of the pictures on the card and identify the beginning sound. They will use the color code to cover the pictures.

Ending sounds cover
Materials needed: colored buttons
Children will say the name of the pictures on the card and identify the ending sound. They will use the color code to cover the pictures.

Middle sounds cover (CVC)
Materials needed: colored buttons
Children will say the name of the pictures on the card and identify the middle sound. They will use the color code to cover the pictures.

Word family cover (CVC)
Materials needed: colored buttons
Children will read the words on the card and identify the word family. They will use the color code to cover the words.

Word family flip book
Materials needed: letter tiles
Children will build the words in the flip book set using the letter tiles. They will change the beginning sound for each word.

CVC words read and write
Materials needed: erasable marker
Children will read the CVC word on their card and then write it on the writing line below.

Beginning blends read and write
Materials needed: erasable marker
Children will read the word on their card and then write it on the writing line below.

Sight words read and write
Materials needed: erasable marker
Children will read the sight word on their card and then write it on the writing line below.

Sentence puzzles
Children will place the puzzle strips in order to build a sentence.

Missing numbers 1-20 and 1-100
Materials needed: erasable marker
Children will identify the missing numbers and write them in the empty boxes.

One more and one less 1-20
Materials needed: base ten blocks or another counting manipulative
Children will identify what is one less and one more than the amount shown on the card and use the base ten blocks to show the amounts.

Show the number (tens 10-100)
Materials needed: base ten blocks
Children will use the base ten blocks to show the amount on the card.

Ten more and ten less 10-100
Materials needed: base ten blocks or another counting manipulative
Children will identify what is ten less and ten more than the amount shown on the card and use the base ten blocks to show the amounts.

Spin and add 10
Materials needed: spinner (or a pencil and paper clip with which to make a spinner), small buttons, erasable marker
Children will spin the spinner and show the number on the top ten frame. In the second ten frame, they will add 10 buttons. They will add the top and bottom amounts on the ten frame and record their answer.

Spin and add (within 10)
Materials needed: spinner (or a pencil and paper clip with which to make a spinner), small buttons, erasable marker
Children will spin the spinners and add the corresponding number of buttons to each tree. They will add the amounts on the trees and record their answer.

Smash and subtract (within 10)
Materials needed: play dough, erasable marker
Children will select a card and use balls of play dough to show the equation. They will smash the amount subtracted and record their answer.

Build the shape on a Geoboard
Materials needed: Geoboard, small rubber bands
Children will use the rubber bands to build the shape shown on the card.

Measurement: shortest to tallest
Children will order each set of picture cards by shortest to tallest.

Find and circle
Materials needed: erasable marker
Children will find the objects in the picture and circle them.

To purchase this packet, click here or on the image below.

Happy Teaching 🙂