Hi everyone 🙂
I have put together a super fun workbook for your kiddos to get stuck into math word problems. This work book contains 32 addition and subtraction math word problem activity sheets. They are color, cut and paste worksheets which your children will love! These are suitable for Kindergarten (Prep) and Grade 1 students.
Simply print the pages you wish to use, grab some pencils, scissors and glue and you’re set to go for a good math lesson! Children are required to use their reading and comprehension skills to read the math word problem on the top of the page and use the pictures along the bottom to cut and paste accordingly to work out the math problem correctly.

The use of a tens frame, number line and counting cubes are there to show the working out through different number representations and working out methods. The children will have the opportunity to write their answer as a mathematical numeral equation and also as a written word answer.

You may discuss the word terminology used here that represent each addition and subtraction in this activity so they can have a better understanding beforehand.

For example: Addition- ‘How many altogether?’. Subtraction- ‘How many left?’ Math word problems are a great way to expand cognitive development through use of numbers and words. By connecting both literacy and numeracy in one activity, it enhances their cognitive skills which will benefit them over the years in life.

If your kiddos are beginners and struggle to understand the word math problem; ask them to read through it carefully then to re-read and circle the numbers they see and the important key words that will help them figure out which way they have to problem solve by adding or subtracting (altogether/more/on/give) or (left/ less/take/off etc). This will help guide them to a better understanding of how a word problem works. The more practice they get reading it and giving it a go to connect it to a mathematical equation, the better they will get at it.

To extend the activity, you could also provide the children with a physical manipulative (like counting cubes) for them to get a hands-on visualization of their problem solving. This is great for their fine motor development but also for their mathematical skill development as they make the connection between written word maths problems with different working out strategies to find out the answer. The more ways they learn to work out a math problem, the easier it will get for them to learn to do it quickly and effectively.
I’m sure your kiddos will have fun learning these math word problems, especially with cutting and pasting involved! 🙂 And don’t forget to remind your little ones that learning is fun!
Happy teaching 🙂
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Thank you so much