Hi everyone!
This worksheet pack has many fun activities for kiddos to learn the concept of “Capacity”. Why not make learning about capacity fun with your kiddos by joining all their favourite things to do (like colouring/cutting/pasting/blocks/water play) into amazing learning experiences? Let’s do it! 🙂
The Capacity packet contains 21 black and white worksheets that include a variety of non-standard, customary and metric capacities for optimal learning in this area. These are best suited for children in Kindergarten (Prep/Foundation), Grade 1 and Grade 2. They can be used for independent learning and practice, group work or table time. Learning about capacity is an important mathematical concept for children to learn to be able to ‘measure’ the space inside something. This then leads to further investigation, inquisition, and problem solving which develops their mathematical skills. They should continue practicing these skills until they are confident and capable to identify and solve the concept of ‘capacity’ in multiple variations.

The worksheets can be used in conjunction with various hands-on manipulatives, which is super fun for the kiddos to get a good visualization of capacity in action. Grab some popular items you have around that the kiddos will enjoy like Lego, cubes, cotton buds, rice or coins and watch them have loads of fun colouring, cutting, pasting, sorting, weighing and counting, while learning! You’re already winning!

Kiddos will have the opportunity to colour, order, sort, measure, read, draw, estimate, find and much more with these worksheets! Talk about multi-tasking! We are on a roll! 🙂
Kiddos will learn descriptive words to measure capacity like ‘longer, shorter, heavier, lighter, empty, full, large, small, most, least’ etc. The use of visual word cards for beginner kiddos would also be beneficial to support development in this learning area to connect the words to the corresponding capacity.

You can incorporate everyday activities into this learning topic by doing some other small activities. Some might include: measuring each others height, or height of other things; play with sand/rice/water filling containers, or use non-standard measurement tools like their hands, palms or fingers to estimate lengths or sizes of things.

Sorting activities to show examples of sizes/weight and even demonstrating filling a glass to show empty, half full or full by filling the space ‘capacity’. All off these would help get visualization for them to differentiate and problem-solve how capacity works.

Children can learn about basic operations, fractions, weight, concepts of ‘more/less’, ‘full/empty’, ‘big/small’, ‘most/least’. Metric capacity will also be included, showing numbers and language used for calculating liquid capacities.

Expand onto it and get some scales out and let the children find things around them to use on the scales. Kiddos love watching scales move! And by doing so they can get a visualization of what weighs ‘more’ or ‘heavier’. Or filling water jugs is another great way to use in conjunction with the metric worksheets.

Number recognition is also involved in some of these activities as they must search for and select the correct capacity size, estimate their own predictions of capacity using numbers or recording measurements.

I hope your kiddos will have a blast learning about capacity with the variety of worksheets available in this pack 🙂
Happy teaching!

To purchase the resource from my TpT store, click here or the image below.
I would love to try this
How do I get the free capacity worksheets?
Im interested in the capacity worksheet
These look great. I would love to have these activities for my class.
I would like free printables please
Can I please have a copy of the measurement free printables?
Robbie, you can purchase the complete packet by clicking the link in the post.
– Lavinia