Polar Animals Preschool Centers and activities. Which picture is different | Pre-Writing tracing | Color matching | upper and lower case letter match | Alphabet tracing | Beginning sounds | Number tracing } Rhyming | Number sense | Word families | Shadow matching

Polar Animals Preschool Centers

Hi everyone! I have a new preschool packet to show you today: the Polar Animals Preschool Centers. This is a printable math and literacy packet that contains 23 activities to make learning about polar animals fun for your students! PLEASE NOTE: This blog post contains sample pages from my Polar Animals Preschool Centers packet. You can download the FREE sample pages by HERE! For links to my online stores to purchase the complete 119-page packet, please scroll to the end of this post.

Fish in bucket name building

Children will spell their names by placing the fish in correct order. An editable version of this activity is included.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Spelling my name fish and bucket activity

Polar animals play dough mats (5 mats)

Materials needed: play dough in various colors
Children will roll out the play dough and use it to shape the outline of the picture.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Fine motor activity - play dough mats

Penguin pre-writing practice

Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will trace the different pre-writing lines.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Fine motor activity - Pre-writing penguin tracing cards

Upper and lower case letter tracing cards

Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will trace the upper and lower case letters.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Literacy activity - upper and lower case letter tracing cards

Upper-lower case letter matching

Children will match the lower case letters to the correct upper case letters.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Literacy activity - matching upper and lower case letters

Beginning sounds matching

Children will match the seal to the correct igloo.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Literacy activity - beginning sounds matching

Polar animals syllables

Materials needed: clothes pegs/pins
Children will identify the number of syllables in each word and show their answer by clipping a peg on the corresponding number.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Literacy activity - syllable cards

Penguin mother and baby rhyming words matching

Children will match the baby penguin to the mother with which it rhymes.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Literacy activity - rhyming words penguin matching activity

Penguin and ice word family sort

Children will sort the penguins to the correct word family.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Literacy activity - sorting word family penguins

Fishing for sight words

Children will pick a fish and place it inside the bucket. They will then spell the sight word using the ice cubes.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Literacy activity - spelling sight words with fish

Penguin prepositions

Materials needed: clothes pegs/pins
Children will identify the position of the penguin in relation to the igloo and show their answer by clipping a peg on the corresponding preposition.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Preposition cards

Polar animals shadow matching

Children will match the pictures to their shadows.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Shadow matching activity

Which picture is different? cards

Children will identify the picture that is different.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Which picture is different?

What Doesn’t Belong? cards

Children will identify the picture that doesn’t belong.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. What doesn't belong?

Polar animals sorting (in the water/on the ice)

Children will sort the different polar animals to show where they live: in the water or on the ice.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Math activity - Sorting animals on the ice or in the water

Baby penguin hatching 4-part sequencing cards

Children will order the cards correctly to show the process of a hatching penguin.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Math activity - penguin hatching from egg sequencing cards

Polar bear hat color matching

Children will match the colored hats to the polar bear with the scarf.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Matching hats and polar bear scarves by color

Polar animals patterns (AB)

Children will identify the pattern on the cards and to place the correct picture in the empty box to complete the pattern.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Math activity - AB pattern cards

Number tracing

Materials needed: erasable markers
Children will trace the numbers.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Math activity - number tracing cards with ten frames

Polar animals number sense (1-10)

Children will sort the different number representations on the seal, penguin, polar bear and caribou to the correct igloo.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Math activity - number sense sorting

Penguin counting

Children will select a number card and place it on the square. They will then count out the correct amount of penguins and place them on the iceberg.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Math activity - counting penguins

Polar animals sorting by size (small, medium, large)

Children will sort the different polar animals to the correct mat.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Math activity - sorting animals by size

Feed the penguins shapes

Materials needed: die with plastic pockets OR paper clip, paper fastener, if using spinner
Children will roll the die or spin the spinner. They will then find a fish with the matching shape and feed it to the penguin.

Preschool Polar Animals Printable Centers and Activities. Math activity - Feed the penguin by fish shape

Purchase the Polar Animals Preschool Centers

If you would like to purchase this packet, click on one of the store link below.

Lavinia Pop Resources Purchase From K-R | Kinder-Resources.com
Lavinia Pop Resources Purchase From TpT | Teachers Pay Teachers
Polar Animals Preschool Centers and activities. Which picture is different | Pre-Writing tracing | Color matching | upper and lower case letter match | Alphabet tracing | Beginning sounds | Number tracing } Rhyming | Number sense | Word families | Shadow matching

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Happy Teaching 🙂

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