Sight Words and Word Families Week 2
Today I’m showing you another sight words and word families activity week. This is what Filip and I did for Sight Words and Word Families Week 2. Throughout this Sight Words and Word Families post, click the hyperlinked text to take you to the complete unit in my store or the original resource link, or click the photos to get the freebies!
See Sight Words and Word Families Week 1 here.
See Sight Words and Word Families Week 3 here.
See Sight Words and Word Families Week 4 here.
Week 2 sight words: can, me, the, you
Week 2 Word family: an

After we took down the first week’s worksheets, I glued them into a project book. Click here to purchase the Pre-Primer Sight Words Word Wall packet and here for the complete Word Family Posters packet.

Many of the activities we did this week are the same as what we did during the first week, but since it’s been so long since I blogged about the first week, I know you won’t mind seeing the activities again. We started each day with a Sight Words Word Find.

We then moved on to doing a Sight Words Cut and Paste activity. I love these worksheets as they focus on correct letter sequence and help children to grasp the concept that letter sequence is vital when reading and writing.

Then Filip did a Sight Word Q-tip activity. Of course, this was always his favorite because he got to paint and sprinkle glitter and all that stuff we all love 😉 (Click the photo to download some q-tip sight word freebies.)

We did the above sight word activities Monday – Thursday. Each day, we also read from my Sight Words Fluency Reading Homework packet. I LOVE this resource as it incorporates both sight words and CVC words. AND each page builds on the previous one, making sure that sight words learnt in the past are never forgotten! This week, I printed out all the pages and bound them into a booklet. I think I like having them like this more than putting them into plastic sleeves.

Friday, I decided to test my lil’ man to see how he was picking things up. He did 2 pages from the Pre-Primer Revise and Assess packet. It took him a little while to understand what the word search was all about, but he quickly got how to write the missing words for the bottom activity. For the second page, Filip only needed help with unscrambling and writing the word correctly. And coloring the flower. Let’s be honest – coloring is really not his favorite thing!
We finished off our sight words study by reading together a Pre-Primer Sight Words Comprehension reader.

Each day, we also did a word family activity. Monday, we did did a Word Family Word Building Activity. We had previously used small letters, but this week I decided to go with alphabet stickers.

Tuesday, we did a “Who Lives Here?” flip up flip book. Filip did not understand what this was about until after it had been put together. I wrote the words on the front and, once I lifted the flap to show that it revealed a picture of the word on the house, he had his light-bulb moment.

Wednesday we did a Word Family “Color It!” worksheet. I know. He colored everything green. I really wonder how any child of mine could CHOOSE to NOT use different colors to make things look pretty!?!

Thursday we did a Word Family cut and paste sorting activity. Obviously, I helped him color the pictures. I didn’t want to risk another “green” incident 😉

Since we did two sight words worksheets on Friday, I decided to do a fun sorting activity for our word family part. I wrote some CVC words that we learnt this week and some from last week on some popsicle sticks and printed off some cute roof templates and voila – a fun hands-on sorting activity! After Filip had sorted the words under the correct roof, he wrote them a recording page. (Click here or the photo to get the complete roof templates and writing pages.)

Alrighty! So, that’s our Sight Words and Word Family Week 2 all done! I hope you found the freebies from this post helpful!

Thank you for these wonderful resources! I just started tutoring a first grader who is still struggling with Kindergarten sight words, so these are wonderful!
I really need this for my child….
These pages are awesome! Can hardly wait to use them this week.
Thank you for the pages they are awesome! I can’t wait to use them with my kiddos…
thank you for the pages.. can hardly wait to use with my kiddos
I love this, do you sell it as a bundle instead of all individually?
Great stuff! Thanks for sharing.
It is wonderful for you to share these amazing resources with us! I can’t wait to use these with my students!
Really easy to use and very appropriate for reinforcing skills! Thank you for being so generous!!
Really love these resources! Are there any more available?
These resources were great. Thanks for sharing.I’m looking forward to using them with my students.
A very nice variety of activities. You done good!
Wonderful resources – thanks so much for sharing
Where can I get these worksheets from?
Do you sell any more of the booklets that you show for pre primer reading. I will download the two, but wondered if there are more.
Thankyou for sharing your wonderful ideas. We are going to celebrate literacy day in our preschool. Yours truly helpful. Will truly use the ideas 😄
Thank you so much. I am volunteering in a first grade class and this will be so helpful.
I am so appreciative of your work and your willingness to share it. Thank you!
It is very generous of you to share your ideas. Thank you for your ideas and hard work. You are helping teachers and children everywhere.
Thanks for all the wonderful resources.
Such a amazing work.Thanks for sharing & i’ll Surely use it to my girl.
You are really a generous person to have shared these valuable resources. So many parents, teachers and students across the world are benefited especially in places where resources are limited. I have started to use few of them with my small group of ESL children. God bless!
These are amazing! Thank you! 🙂
Thank You <3
I like these activities very much
Thank you
Blessings from Honduras
Love these activities.
Thank you SO much for these resources. I am a new homeschool mom of 3 boys that range from high school to elementary. These resources give me so much confidence and help me with my youngest son’s education. Thank you for the time and effort you put into this! Very well organized and fun activities!!! Alicia (
Great ideas thanks for your create ideas it makes our days