Hey everyone! I thought I’d pop to share some some pics with you all from my Spring Worksheets and Activities for Kindergarten packet.
PLEASE NOTE: This blog post contains sample pages from my Spring Worksheets and Activities for Kindergarten packet. You can download some free sample pages by clicking on the link below. To purchase the complete 87-page packet, scroll to the end of this post or CLICK HERE to get links to my online stores.

Spring build-a-word booklet (19 words)
Print the pages you wish to use, cut them in half and staple together. Leave letter tiles on the right intact. Children write the words of the images displayed on each page in their booklets and then build the words using the letter tiles provided. I have also included writing lines if you wish for your students to create sentences with the words. The lines can be photocopied onto the back of each page. (Ink stamps or letters cut out from magazines can be used instead of the letter tiles included in this unit.)

Spring missing upper case and lowercase letters cut and paste
Children cut the letters from the bottom of the page and paste them in the correct space on the grid to complete the alphabet.

Spring beginning and ending sounds
Children color the correct circle to show the beginning consonant sound or blend/digraph. They can also use dot paints for this worksheet.
Spring mystery CVC Words
word Children start by writing the beginning sound for each of the pictures in one row. Once the row has been completed, they will have written a CVC word. Children read the mystery word, then, to demonstrate comprehension, they match it to the correct picture on the right side of the page.

Spring Long vowel sounds
Children say the name for each picture in a given row, and then circle the ones that contain the sound of the long vowel identified in the first box.
Spring word families CVC and CVCe
Children write the words for each of the pictures on the page, using the word family at the beginning of each row to help them spell correctly.
Spring rhyming cut and paste and rhyming with clues
Children say the name of the pictures in each box and find the rhyming match at the bottom of the page. For the next worksheet, children read the clues in each box to help them find the matching picture.
Spring color by PRIMER sight words (3 pictures)
Children used the code on each page to color the Spring-themed pictures.

Spring mystery PRIMER sight words
Children start by writing the beginning sound of each picture in the circles underneath them. Once an entire row has been completed, they will have written a sight word. Children read the mystery sight word and write it on the line.

Spring missing PRIMER sight words
Children use the picture clues in the first box to work out what the sentence is about. They then complete each of the sentences by writing the most suitable sight word from the top box on each line.

Spring picture scramble PRIMER sight words cut and paste (3 pages)
Children cut and paste in correct order the letter and picture tiles from the bottom of the page to build the sight word indicated.

Spring match the picture to the sentence cut and paste
Children read the sentences on the page, cut the pictures out and then paste them next to the matching sentence.

Spring write the missing word
Children use the picture clues in the first box to work out what the sentence is about. They then complete each of the sentences on the page by selecting and writing the correct word on the lines.

Spring fix the Sentence
Children read a sentence then rewrite it with the correct punctuation marks.

“Flying Kites” reading comprehension
Children read a short story and answer the comprehension questions by coloring the correct circle.

Spring alphabetical order
These pages can be cut in half, or left as they are. Children cut the four words on the right and paste in alphabetical order over the numbers.

Spring Syllables
Children say the name of each picture and show how many syllables are in each word by coloring the correct circle. Dot paints can also be used for this worksheet.

Label the bugs and spring pictures (3 pages)
Children cut the labels from the bottom of the page and paste them in the correct spot to label the contents of the page.
Spring color words
Children read the sentences in each box and color the pictures accordingly.

Spring color by number words
Children roll a die and color the corresponding number word areas using their desired color.
Spring count and write how many
Children count the pictures in each box and write the total in the circle.
Spring write the missing numbers 1-20 and 1-50 (4 pages)
Children complete each of the grids by writing the missing numbers.

Spring missing numbers cut and paste 1-20 (2 pages)
Children cut the numbers from the bottom and paste in the correct spot to complete the number order.

Spring ten frame match 10-20 (2 pages)
Children cut and paste the numbers from the bottom of the page next to the correct ten (twenty) frame.
Spring place value with base ten blocks
Children identify how many tens and ones.
Spring comparing numbers: Greater than, less than, equal to (3 pages)
Children write the correct sign in each of the circles.

Spring subtraction
Children use the pictures in each box to help them solve the basic subtraction equation.
Spring patterns cut and paste
Children determine the pattern, then cut and paste the pictures from the bottom of the page in the correct spots to finish each pattern.

Spring 2-D and 3-D shapes – labelling cut and paste (2 pages)
Children cut and paste the labels from the bottom of the page and place them in the correct spot to label each of the shapes.
Identifying 3-D shapes in real life
Children color the objects which have the same shape as the 3D object in the first box of each row.
Shape corners and sides
Children write the number of corners and sides for each shape.

2-D and 3-D shape sorting
Children sort the shapes to show which ones are 2-D and which are 3-D.

Object sorting
Children sort the objects to show which have sides and which are without sides.

Categorizing bugs that crawl/fly
Children sort the bugs to show those that crawl and those that fly.

Telling time to the hour (2 pages)
For the first worksheet, children cut and paste the times from the bottom of the page under the matching clocks. For the second worksheet, children write the correct time under each clock.

Spring positional words (over/under/above/below)
Children color the picture that shows the position in the first box.

Spring count and graph
Children count each of the objects that are the same and complete the graph to show their findings.

Spring sequencing -life cycle of a carrot
Children cut the pictures from the bottom of the page and paste them in correct order to show the life cycle sequence of a carrot.

Purchase the Spring Worksheets and Activities for Kindergarten packet
If you would like to purchase the complete 87-page Spring Worksheets and Activities for Kindergarten packet, click on one of the stores links below.

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Happy Teaching 🙂
It’s an absolutely lovely Insects Pack! Thank you!
Thank you so much! These activities are so clever! you have great fun ideas for extending on subjects the children have already learnt!
How do I purchase these activities?
How do I purchase this packet?