Hi there! Here’s a peek at what’s included in the St. Patrick’s Day Preschool Worksheets and Activities packet!
PLEASE NOTE: This blog post contains sample pages from my St. Patrick’s Preschool Worksheets and Activities packet. You can download the FREE SAMPLE PAGES by clicking HERE. To purchase the complete 52-page packet, scroll to the end of this post to get links to my online stores.
Rainbow q-tip painting
Children dip the end of a q-tip (ear bud) in paint and paint the rainbow using the indicated colors. Alternatively, children can glue sequins inside each circle.

St. Patrick’s Day sweets pre-writing practice (1 page)
Children trace between the lines of each path.

Pot of gold letters in my name (1 page)
Children color each heart that contains a letter included in their name.

St. Patrick’s Day cutting practice (1 page)
Children cut up along each cutting line.

St. Patrick’s Day picture tracing (1 page)
Children trace the dashed lines to complete the picture and then color it.

St. Patrick’s Day syllables (1 page)
Children read the word for each picture and color the corresponding number to show how many syllables.

Pot of gold beginning sounds cut and paste (7 pages)
Children color the letters inside each pot and trace the upper and lower case letters inside the coins. Then, they cut out the pictures from the bottom of the page and paste them under the matching pot of gold.

Rainbow write the middle sound (2 pages)
Children write the missing vowel to complete the word shown above each rainbow.

Pot of gold rhymes (3 pages)
Children color the pictures in each row that rhyme with the word on the pot.
Rainbow pre-primer sight words tracing (10 pages)
Children trace the sight words at the top of the page, and then use different colored pencils or markers to trace the words inside each rainbow.

Emergent reader “Where is the Leprechaun?” (color and B&W) & comprehension sheet
Assembly is required by cutting each page in half, then stapling together on the left side where indicated. I have also included a colored version that teachers can use and keep in the classroom library. There are 2 comprehension sheets: one with pictures to indicate which page children can find the answer, and another without pictures.
St. Patrick’s Day positional words in, above, in front, behind (1 page)
Children color the object that shows the position described.

St. Patrick’s Day differences (1 page)
Children look at each row of pictures and circle the one that is different.

How a rainbow appears picture sequencing (1 page)
Children cut and paste the picture cards in order.

Stack of gold coins order by size, cut and paste (1 page)
Children cut and paste the coins in correct order, from least to most.

2D Rainbow shape matching (2 pages)
Children cut and paste the shapes under the matching rainbow.

Pot of gold number matching cut and paste (2 pages)
Children color the numbers on the pots and trace the numerals and number words inside each coin. They then cut the clover tallies from the bottom of the page and paste them under the matching pot.

Rainbow missing numbers (1 page)
Children write the missing middle number in the empty coin.

St. Patrick’s Day count and graph to 5 (1 page)
Children count and graph the pictures.
St. Patrick’s patterns cut and paste (AB) (1 page)
Children determine the type of pattern, then cut the pictures from the bottom of the page and paste them in the correct box to finish each pattern.
Purchase the St. Patrick’s Day Preschool Worksheets and Activities packet
If you would like to purchase the complete 52-page St. Patrick’s Day Preschool Worksheets and Activities packet, click on one of the stores links below.

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Happy Teaching 🙂
This is really useful, appreciate that.