Hi everyone! Here’s a sneak peek at what’s included in my Summer Preschool Centers packet.
PLEASE NOTE: This blog post contains sample pages from my Summer Preschool Centers packet. You can download FREE SAMPLES HERE or by clicking on the two photos below. To purchase the complete 146-page packet, scroll to the end of this post or CLICK HERE to get links to my online stores.
1. Watermelon fine motor practice mat
To prepare the mat for use, print and then laminate it for durability. You will need to supply children with pom-poms, gems, beads, beans or any other small objects that will fit inside the circles.
The aim of this activity is for children to place a small object in each of the circles.

2. Summer write and wipe alphabet tracing cards
To prepare the cards for use, print and then laminate them for durability. Cut the cards apart along the dashed lines. The cards can be kept together in a book-like format by making a hole in the top of each card with a hole punch and securing together with a key ring or pipe-cleaner.
Provide children with dry-erase (whiteboard) markers and encourage them to trace the letters on each card several times, following the directional arrows to ensure correct letter formation is learnt.

3. Shells beginning sounds match (26 pages)
To prepare the activity for use, print and then laminate the pages for durability. Cut out all the pieces.
The aim of this activity is for children to match the lower case letter and beginning sound picture on the shells to the bucket that displays the matching upper case letter.
4. Summer syllables
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart. Provide children with some small pet-themed objects, such as bottle caps with animal stickers on top, paw-print buttons, clothes pegs with paw-prints glued on the end, etc.
The aim of this activity is for children to identify the number of syllables in each picture and represent their findings by covering the corresponding number on the card.

5. Popsicle word family sort
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them out. Cut out each colored section to separate the word family pictures.
The aim of this activity is for children to identify the pictures and them to the correct word family popsicle stick.
6. Rhyming sunglasses
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them out.
The aim of this activity is for children to match the two pictures that rhyme.

7. Pre-primer sight word sandwiches (44 words)
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart.
The aim of this activity is for children to make a sandwich by matching all the sight words.

8. Colored summer clothes for bears
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them out.
The aim of this activity is for children to sort the differently colored summer clothes to the matching colored bear.
9. Summer and winter sorting
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart.
The aim of this activity is for children to sort the pictures to the correct season mat.

10. What doesn’t belong? summer cards
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart.
The aim of this activity is for children to clip a peg on the picture that doesn’t belong.

11. Which picture is different? summer cards
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart.
The aim of this activity is for children to clip a peg on the picture that is different.

12. Summer shadow matching
To prepare the activity for use, print and then laminate the pages for durability. Cut out all the pieces.
The aim of this activity is for children to match the different pet cards to their matching shadow cards.

13. Life cycle of a honey bee 4-part sequencing cards (2 versions)
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart.
The aim of this activity is for children to order the cards correctly to show the life cycle of a honey bee.
14. Ice cream size sorting (small, medium, large)
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart.
The aim of this activity is for children to sort the ice cream scoops by size above the correct cone.

15. Ice cream number sense (1-10)
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart.
The aim of this activity is for children to sort the different number representations above the correct ice cream cone.

16. Shell shape sorting
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart.
The aim of this activity is for children to sort the 2D shell shapes to the correct bucket. This activity can also be used for sorting colors.
17. Watermelon seeds counting (1-10)
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart. Alternatively, if you don’t wish to use the seeds included in this packet, you can supply children with small buttons or pom-poms.
The aim of this activity is for children to count out the correct number of seeds as shown on each watermelon slice.

18. Summer patterns (AB, AAB, ABB)
To prepare the cards for use, print, laminate them for durability and then cut them apart. Attach the pictures cut out from the bottom of the page to the end of a clothes peg using a hot glue gun.
The aim of this activity is for children to identify the pattern on the cards and to clip the correct picture in the empty box to complete the pattern.

Purchase the Summer Preschool Centers Packet
If you would like to purchase the complete 146-page Summer Preschool Centers packet, click on one of the stores links below.

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Happy Teaching 🙂
Super cute materials for the summer!
For my new students I think this be less intimidating because of the theme
Great way to keep them interested
Many experiences
Lots of learning
I love these activities
Great activities
great fun activities