I’ve been wanting to show you one of my nursery rhyme packets for a while and today is that day! I picked “Twinkle, Twinkle Little star” because it’s one of my favourites and the graphics designed by Kari Bolt are super cute.
I have a few nursery rhyme packets in my TpT store and each one contains a set of worksheets and activities for use with children in preschool, kindergarten and first grade to help teach nursery rhymes. The contents of of each packet are intended to build literacy skills, such as phonemic awareness, reading fluency and comprehension and vocabulary.
First up, is a nursery rhyme poster that is available in colour and black and white. Print the coloured poster, laminate and display. Black and white copies can be made for each child so that they can read along.

Next, is a half page booklet (black and white only).

I have included 2 differentiated reading comprehension pages: one with pictures to indicate which page children can find the answer, and another without pictures.

I have also included a flip book with recording pages. The flip book is available in colour as well as black and white.

There is a cut and paste sequencing activity.

In the the Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star packet I included a tracing page. In other packets, this page is usually a maze, but I think it’s nice to offer something different every once in a while.

There is a cut and paste beginning sounds activity.

There is also a worksheet that focuses on the rhyming words.

Some kids love making their “own” nursery rhymes. Now, their own nursery rhyme will usually not rhyme and, depending on where they paste pictures it won’t make sense either. This is really a just-for-fun worksheet.

Next, is a sentence scramble worksheet.

Then there is a nursery rhyme word search.

There are also nursery rhyme puppets that your kiddos will have fun using to help them act out and retell the nursery rhyme.

Last, but not least, are some pocket chart strips. These can be used in various ways: to help you tell the rhyme to the children, for children to arrange the sentence strips in order, for children to match the pictures to the correct sentence. If your kiddos need more of a challenge, you can cut each word apart and then get them to put the whole rhyme back together.

If you would like to try some sample pages from the Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star packet, please click here or the image below.

If you’d like to purchase this packet, you can do so here or by clicking the image below.

And, if you love the look of this rhyme and would like to see samples from other packets or purchase the bundle, you can view the bundle here or click the image below.

Stay safe and I will see you in the next blog post!
Until then, Happy Teaching 🙂
Nicely designed for pre-schoolers
What a terrific collection of teaching and learning resources. Well done! Thank you for sharing.