Hi everyone!
In this activity pack we are combining two of kiddos favorite things to do: singing nursery rhymes and getting hands on play with colorful play dough! Play dough can get a little messy as we all know, but it will be well worth your time and effort.

This book contains 7 play dough mat pages for the nursery rhyme ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’. One page has the full nursery rhyme written on it, with a picture alongside. Then the following pages have been broken down to have a small sentence from the nursery rhyme with a picture to support the text. The children are to read the words on the page then make the image using the play dough.

You could choose to sing the full nursery rhyme together before beginning this activity, especially if you are wanting to use it in a group setting, but it is fun even one on one. 🙂 Go through each page and point to the words as you sing the nursery rhyme for the children to also visually see the corresponding words. They can also point to the images and say the colors that they see. Kiddos can repeat that process of reading/singing it individually as they work on rolling their play dough.

This is super easy to prepare. Simply print and laminate the pages for durability so the play dough does not get stuck to the paper, nor the page ruined after first use. Alternatively, you may keep the pages in individual plastic sleeves instead of laminating and the children can do the activity directly onto the sleeve.

The play dough is easy to make, you could extend this activity by having the children help make the play dough too! You can discuss colors, texture and add vocabulary descriptions like ‘soft’, ‘squishy’, ‘smooth’ or ‘lumpy’ etc. Now can be a good time to set out the rules for the activity while play dough is being made, like keeping it on the table-not on carpet, not put in hair or eaten etc.

To boost enthusiasm, encourage the children to take their time to roll the dough smoothly and thinly to fit within the image guidelines and at the end they can have their work captured on camera for them to see their work displayed somewhere.

The colors can be substituted to what you have if the colors pictured are not available. The kiddos can even be creative and choose random colors to complete the task if they wish to be creative.

I am sure your kiddos will really enjoy these play dough mats. Its fun, colorful and hands-on, which everyone loves!
To purchase this resource, please click here or the image below.
Happy teaching 🙂