About Me
I’m so glad you decided to stop by and take a peek into my world! It’s awesome having a place of my own in this mega-online world where I can share with others what is most dear to my heart.
This is me.

And this is my world.

Not my COMPLETE world, but these people right here make up most of it! My husband, Sam, and I have four children: Alex, David, Camelia and Filip. I am so blessed to have the support of this team of littlies! They are the reason I get up every morning and do what I do every day!
If you know me, you’ll know that I have an obsession with cute clip art and a passion for creating educational resources. I have been making resources for my kids for the last 5 years and about a year ago, I started selling some of them on Teachers Pay Teachers. I have met many wonderful people there who have encouraged me to blog about my learning journey with my kids, and so, with their encouragement and Sam’s support, I decided to give blogging a go! I never dreamed I would be where I am today and I am blessed to be able to do what I truly love and also be at home for my family.
About My Blog
I have decided to organise my blog into three main categories:
PRESCHOOL I am homeschooling my 3 ½ year old preschooler this year and I’d love to blog about our learning adventure and all-things-preschool that we do together. My little man’s name is Filip and he has the cheekiest little grin in the world! He loves to do “school work” and prefers a hands-on approach to learning.
AFTER SCHOOL I don’t fully home school. I have considered it, but, after much prayer and thought, my husband and I decided to enroll our school aged kids in a Christian school. I do believe it’s the best decision we have made for their learning and spiritual growth; they are surrounded by the most amazing Christian teachers and mentors! Certainly better than being at home with me!! Anyhow, in this section of my blog, I will be focusing on my school-aged kids and the activities, games and extra learning we do at home. My kids each have different learning styles and I love to create resources that I can use at home with them to extend on what they are learning in the classroom!
SUNDAY SCHOOL I also teach our combined preschool and prep (kindergarten) Sunday School class. I love kids, but more than that, I love that I can impact their world positively and help them build a relationship with Jesus. I try to make our classes as fun and creative as I know and I’d love to share ideas and photos about that every now and then too!
Well, that’s all from me for now! I hope you can find some ideas here that will be of use to you in your world!
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